Two weeks ago on's Page 2, my main man Bill Simmons wrote up a column saying that he was officially fantaking his beloved Boston Celtics, where we all know he's the biggest Celtics fan at the Worldwide Sports Leader (ESPN.) So, we're all wondering, Bill, fantanking? I sent The Sports Guy an email a week ago for some feedback on his column, and spoke of it on the Sports Bash on the Pod Center from He mentioned that a reader sent him an email, saying it should be "fanking" instead of fantanking. Which, of course, I believe he should have changed it to "fanking" for that one special reason, saying at the end of the season when the Celtics blow up and not even get over winning 18 games, he can say "Fank you, Boston" in form to if they can possibly draft Kevin Durant or Greg Oden in late June. Now, I'll take this moment -- Fank you, Bill.
I've been immersed into being a new "fanker" of the Celtics, now for a while. As you guys all know, there's a part of me that is a fan of the Boston Celtics (yet the Celts are still my second team only to you know who), it all came from being the son of a big Celtics fan so of course it happened. So, what is "fanking" (my word!) or "fantaking" (in Bill Simmons' case)? It's when you turn on your team for the greater good, and in the Celtics' case, you have Greg Oden and Kevin Durant, two guys that can really transform the course of your franchise, and if you can get that top spot in the lottery, you're looking at 50/50 odds draft at getting either two of these guys.
So for me, it's a no-brainer. The Celtics weren't going anywhere anyway. They couldn't get Allen Iverson, Paul Pierce got hurt, Tony Allen blew out of his knee. You know, the day Tony Allen blew out his knee was it for me, I completely went into full fanking (or fantanking) mode for the Celts. I mean the Celtics have the perfect team for this, they've lost 17 straight. They have the absolute perfect coach for this situation (Doc Rivers.) The players always play this hard, and this guy always blows it for them in the final minutes. I don't see them getting 18 (or more) wins, I really don't.
So other Celtics fans, are they joining me in fanking? I'm not sure, and just some people just cannot root against their team, and I'm pretty much like this in Football because I'm never as excited for that NFL Draft as I am for the NBA Draft. I'm usually a warm hugging type of guy that wants the team to go on and win games as they please as greatly as they can, however this isn't the case for the Celtics in the NBA. It's pretty obvious!
If I had to choose between Durant and Oden for the Celtics to choose in the draft, I'm not sure. I always knew that Durant was good, and everyone was saying that he was the clearcut number two guy, he's the franchise guy in his own right. Nobody ever mentioned that he could ever surpass Oden in this draft, you know? I watched Durant a couple of times in November, and December, so you never heard anyone comment on Durant playing as well as Oden til basically in January. People basically think Durant is just one-and-done.
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